It is almost the New Year which means it’s time to set some new goals for yourself for 2023!

Here are some habits for your dancer to incorporate into their new season of life and dance.

Roll Out!

Foam roller, marshmallow stick, or tennis ball. Give yourself ten minutes after class or rehearsal to break up the fascia in your body. Your muscles will thank you!

Say no to inflammation.

Dancers’ bodies are sensitive to inflammation, so it’s a good idea to incorporate some anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.

The chances are that some of these foods are already familiar to you: almonds, green tea, and blueberries, for example. You can find out more here.


Cross train

If you don’t already, cross-training can make a big difference in your dancing. Popular regimes for dancers include pilates, yoga and swimming. Check our some of our teacher tip videos for some guidance! 

Below are some technical goals for your dancers to set for themselves this New Year!

  1. Break your habit of hopping in your turns.
  2. Improve your balance.
  3. Jump smarter – knees over toes, deep plié.
  4. Get your hips square consistently.
  5. Improve your turnout, either flexibility-wise or in your dancing.

Here are some artistic goals that your dancer can look to strive for in the New Year! 

  1. Get more comfortable with improv.
  2. Make a habit of using your eyes, not looking at the floor.
  3. Improve your transitions to get that “graceful” look.
  4. Get better at showing different emotions through movement.
  5. Improve your musicality.


1. Christmas Obstacle Course

This is a fun game for dancers and GREAT for teamwork – it can be done at any time of the year but is especially fun at the holidays. 

First grab some tinsel and  any other decorations you like, such as lights, gift boxes, etc so that it is “hard” to get from one end of the room to the other. If you have enough family members to spilt into teams that adds an extra layer of fun. 

If using teams the first person should stand in a line with hands on shoulders. The person at the back is Santa and the rest of the line are the reindeers. The reindeers have to close their eyes and must be ‘lead’ by Santa through the maze to a specified spot on the opposite wall. Teams take turns to navigate the maze and the team with the fastest time wins. Variations on the game include changing the maze for each team or having all the participants face away from the maze while it is being set up.

2. Snowflake Waltz

The primary objectives of this activity are to help your dancer explore a range of shapes with their bodies, and develop a greater understanding of musicality by working within a set number of counts. To begin, remind dancers, “No two snowflakes are alike!” Explain that this exercise may feel repetitive, but the challenge is to find as many different snowflake shapes with their body as possible.

To play:

  • Direct the dancers to start in a “Snowflake Shape” of their choosing. They are to consider different levels, spatial planes, directions, body parts, lines, facings, and angles as they create their shape.
  • They will hold their shape for 8 counts, then “melt” out of their shape and dance to the floor for 8 more counts.
  • On the 1 of the next phrase, they will find a new Snowflake Shape, and the dance will repeat.
  • Continue this pattern of Snowflake Shapes and melting dances to the floor as many times as desired.

3. Holiday Pajama’s

This is a really fun holiday dance game and also works really well as a fun family bonding activity .  Grab some cheap Christmas pajama pants and your dancers must put them on (over their “regular” clothes)  WITHOUT using their hands – it is hilarious!  To make it easier you can let them put their feet in or make them start from scratch.  To do the exercise in partners you can have two dancers work together to put the pants on one of the dancers BUT neither dancer may use their hands.



Encourage your child to share their goals with their dance teachers so that their instructors can help to put them on the right path. This can help your child build self- confidence, and feel empowered in the process. If you do choose to reach out to your child’s dance teacher on their behalf, be sure to do so respectfully and with an open mind. The more your child sees you working in support of their teacher, the more they will be likely to do the same.


If you are a parent to a younger child, then you know how much your child looks to you for help and guidance. At this age, support looks like listening to their interest and enthusiasm and the correct level of participation. Encouragement looks like asking your child to show you what they’ve learned in classes and making it a priority to show up to dress rehearsals, recitals, and other events.


Dancers are working out new muscles everyday, pushing their bodies to new limits in every class. Sleep is important for your muscles to recover. Good sleep habits are especially important for dancers of a young age because their bodies are still growing. Snacking before class is key to success! It’s most important for your tiny dancers coming right from school, or close to lunch times. Food is fuel. It helps your child perform well in class and to their fullest potential. Dancers can’t focus on an empty stomach especially younger dancers. A hangry dancer isn’t the happiest of dancers, and our goal is to have our kiddos feeling full of happy feels after every opportunity to dance!


Dance is physically demanding on top of it being fun. Taking care of your body should be your number one priority. Without taking care of yourself dance becomes harder, and leaves more space for injury. Here are some ways to take care of your body throughout the day and dance season. 


Water is a must-have when doing any and all physical activities. Dancers will need to drink water more frequently. Within one class a dancer can lose up 2 liters of water. YIKES! 

Fluids are especially important after class and rehearsal, but make sure to steer clear of carbonated drinks and fruit juice. Drinking tons of fluids is a simple and easy way to take care of your body as a dancer.


Every dance teacher will start your class with a warm up, and that is for a reason. A solid warm up helps your muscles become less stiff, and less prone to straining something. 

In addition, it’s also important to stay warm while you’re not dancing. If you decide to take a break and wait on the side, make sure to cover up so your body doesn’t get cold and do a quick warm-up before you go back on.


Dance itself is a strenuous physical activity, but keeping up with strength training will only help you improve as a dancer. 

In a previous blog we went in depths on the importance of strength training! 🔗


Once again dance is an extremely physical activity, and you can’t run on zero! Making sure you eat enough is one side of it. On top eating enough the food you consume while dancing needs to be something that will give you energy, and is healthy. The food you eat before class is essential. When choosing what you are having make sure there is protein, carbohydrates, and/or healthy fats. Also you can NEVER go wrong with fruits and veggies on the side! 


Neglect of a sickness or injury can end up bringing a dancers season to a halt. Don’t be afraid to see a doctor or physical therapist about recurring or frequent pain. Sitting out of a few rehearsals or taking a sick day is better than having a serious sickness or injury put you out for a long time.